
Pack Bulking – Euro Pharmacies – Enanthate + Deca-Durabolin (8 weeks)

Original price was: $ 289.Current price is: $ 246.

8 weeks inject Bulking cycle with Testosterone Enanthate and Deca Durabolin (Euro Pharmacies).

Testosterone Enanthate - 200mg/ml 15ml/vial - Euro Pharmacies

Testosterone is easily the most efficient hormone that can be used for bodybuilding. It increase one’s muscle mass, and also plays a major role in our decisions and with out libido. Testosterone can be defined as conquest, desire, sexuality, dynamism, and strength.

Original price was: $ 52.Current price is: $ 49.

Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca) - 200mg/ml 15ml/vial - Euro Pharmacies

Deca-Durabolin provides mass gain and significant strength, with a slight loss of fat. Users combine it with Sustanon for best results.

Original price was: $ 60.Current price is: $ 57.

Anastrozolex (Arimidex) 1mg/tabs 50 tabs - Baggies - Euro Pharmacies

Arimidex lowers serum estradiol concentrations and help to restore the levels of testosterone. Athletes and bodybuilders use it as a part of their steroid cycle to decrease and prevent symptoms of excess estrogens like water retention and gynecomastia.

Original price was: $ 79.Current price is: $ 64.

Clomixin (Clomid) 50mg/tabs 50 tabs - Baggies - Euro Pharmacies

Bodybuilders use Clomid to induce the production of endogenous testosterone in the testes and thus avoid hormonal imbalances. Athletes testify that a daily dose of 50 to 100 mg of Clomid helps restore the normal rate of Testosterone within 2 weeks.

Original price was: $ 62.Current price is: $ 50.

Tamoxifen 20mg/tabs 20 tabs - Blister - Euro Pharmacies

Tamoxifen is an estrogen agonist/antagonist used by bodybuilders and athletes in post-cycle therapy. It has the ability to increase production of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone among males. The drug also restores adequate balance in hormonal levels.

Original price was: $ 36.Current price is: $ 26.


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Pack Bulking – Euro Pharmacies – Enanthate + Deca


  • Enanthate & Deca : 

Week 1 to 8 : Take 1ml of each per week (ex: 1ml Enanthate every Monday, and 1ml Deca every Wednesday).


  • Nolvadex & Clomid :

For the recovery (PCT), take 1 tabs of each per day during 20 days. Start PCT 19 days after the last injection.


Week 1 to 8 : Take 1 Arimidex after meal (morning, noon or night) every 2 days (EOD: Every Other Day).

Intake table :

11ml Enanthate 1mg Anastrozole200mg DecaDurabolin
1mg Anastrozole
1mg Anastrozole
21ml Enanthate
1mg Anastrozole
1mg Anastrozole200mg DecaDurabolin1mg Anastrozole1mg Anastrozole
31ml Enanthate 1mg Anastrozole200mg DecaDurabolin
1mg Anastrozole
1mg Anastrozole
41ml Enanthate
1mg Anastrozole
1mg Anastrozole1ml DecaDurabolin1mg Anastrozole1mg Anastrozole
51ml Enanthate 1mg Anastrozole200mg DecaDurabolin
1mg Anastrozole
1mg Anastrozole
61ml Enanthate
1mg Anastrozole
1mg Anastrozole200mg DecaDurabolin1mg Anastrozole1mg Anastrozole
71ml Enanthate 1mg Anastrozole200mg DecaDurabolin
1mg Anastrozole
1mg Anastrozole
81ml Enanthate
1mg Anastrozole
1mg Anastrozole200mg DecaDurabolin1mg Anastrozole1mg Anastrozole
11 to 13 (PCT)20mg Nolvadex
50mg Clomid
20mg Nolvadex
50mg Clomid
20mg Nolvadex
50mg Clomid
20mg Nolvadex
50mg Clomid
20mg Nolvadex
50mg Clomid
20mg Nolvadex
50mg Clomid
20mg Nolvadex
50mg Clomid


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